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2023年02月27日 15:23 周林燕 点击:[]








个人简介:女,白族,1984年生,博士,教授,博士生导师,云南省“兴滇英才支持计划”入选者。现任农业农村部农产品加工标准化技术委员会委员、云南省现代农业产业技术体系水果体系质量安全与营养品质评价岗位、云南省食品行业协会专家委员、《食品研究与开发》青年编委、中国食品科学技术学会果蔬加工、休闲食品分会理事。2012年获中国农业大学农产品加工及贮藏工程专业博士学位;2015年至2016年在新西兰奥克兰大学进行访问学者工作;2012年至2018年在中国农业科学院农产品加工研究所工作;2018年作为高层次人才引进昆明理工大学。主要从事果蔬精深加工研究,重点从事果蔬加工品质形成与调控机制、新型果蔬加工理论与技术等研究。近年来主持或参加国家自然科学基金(青年、地区及面上)、“十三五”国家重点研发计划、“十二五”国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项、农业行业标准制修订、云南省基础项目等国家级及省部级项目10余项,参与获得省部级及社会力量奖5项,申请和授权国家发明专利10余项,以第一作者发表文章40余篇,其中SCI/EI 30余篇。


(1)    主持的研究项目:




4) 2019-2022年,国家自然科学基金地区项目“高压均质抑制NFC桃汁多酚氧化酶及酶促褐变的机制研究”(31860445),主持,结题;

5) 2014-2016年,国家自然科学基金青年基金“高压均质对NFC芒果汁流变特性的影响及机制研究”(31301529),主持,结题;

6) 2013-2017年,农业部公益性行业(农业)科研专项“蔬菜副产物综合利用技术研究与示范”课题“大蒜、辣椒、芦笋副产物综合利用技术研究”(201303079),主持,结题;

7) 2020-2022年,云南省基础研究青年基金项目“超高压均质对NFC石榴清汁花色苷及色泽的作用机制”(202001AU070029),主持,结题;


1) 2020-2025年,云南省“兴滇英才支持计划”入选者项目“石榴汁非热加工关键技术研究与产品开发”(YNQR-QNRC-2018-102),主持,在研。


1.   Fuhai Wang, Hengle Zhou, Fengyun Cheng, Huihui Niu, Lei Yuan, Junjie Yi, Linyan Zhou*. Comparison of the characterization and the temperature/pressure stability of soluble and membrane-bound polyphenol oxidase from ‘Lijiang’ snow peach. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 2021, 146(4):111401.

2.   Lei Yuan, Huihui Niu, Yurou Yun, Jun Tian, Fei Lao, Xiaojun Liao, Zhengqing Gao, Dabing Ren, Linyan Zhou*. Analysis of Coloration Characteristics of Tunisian Soft-seed Pomegranate Arils Based on Transcriptome and Metabolome. Food Chemistry, 2022, 131270.

3.   Hengle Zhou, Fuhai Wang, Huihui Niu, Lei Yuan, Jun Tian, Shengbao Cai, Xiufang Bi, Linyan Zhou*. Structural studies and molecular dynamic simulations of polyphenol oxidase treated by high pressure processing. Food Chemistry, 2022, 131243.

4.   Lei Yuan, Fengyun Cheng, Junjie Yi, Shengbao Cai, Xiaojun Liao, Fei Lao, Linyan Zhou*. Effect of high-pressure processing and thermal treatments on color and in vitro bioaccessibility of anthocyanin and antioxidants in cloudy pomegranate juice. Food Chemistry, 2022, 131397.

5.   Huihui Niu, Lei Yuan, Hengle Zhou, Yurou Yun., Jian Li, Jun Tian, Kui Zhong, Linyan Zhou*. Comparison of the effects of high pressure processing, pasteurization and high temperature short time on the physicochemical attributes, nutritional quality, aroma profile and sensory characteristics of passion fruit purée. Foods, 2022, 11, 632.

6.   Lei Yuan, Yurou Yun, Jun Tian, ZhengQing Gao, Zhenzhen Xu, Xiaojun Liao, Junjie Yi, Shengbao Cai, Linyan Zhou*. Transcription profile analysis for biosynthesis of flavor volatiles of Tunisian Soft-seed Pomegranate Arils. Food Research International, 2022, 156, 111304.

7.   Yuanyue Zhang, Shengbao Cai, Shuang Ma, Shuai Zhao, Junjie Yi, Linyan Zhou*. Water Caltrop (Trapa quadrispinosa Roxb.) Husk Improves Oxidative Stress and Postprandial Blood Glucose in Diabetes: Phenolic Profiles, Antioxidant Activities and α-Glycosidase Inhibition of Different Fractions with In Vitro and In Silico Analyses. Antioxidants, 2022, 11, 1873.

8.   Jian Li, Fei Pan, Yurou Yun, Jun Tian, Linyan Zhou*. Gelation behavior and mechanism of Nicandra physalodes (Linn.) Gaertn. seeds pectin induced by Glucono-delta-lactone. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2023, 299, 12015.

9.   Hengle Zhou, Shenke Bie, Jian Li, Lei Yuan, Linyan Zhou. Comparison on inhibitory effect and mechanism of inhibitors on sPPO and mPPO purified from ‘Lijiang snow’ peach by combining multispectroscopic analysis, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation. Food Chemistry, 2023, 400, 134048.

10. Jun Tian, Fengyun Cheng, Yunrou Yun, Junjie Yi, Shengbao Cai, Linyan Zhou*. Characterization of the flavor, sensory quality and in vitro bioaccessibility in cloudy pomegranate juice treated by high pressure and thermal processing, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2023, 103: 666-679.



上一条:郭超凡 下一条:李莉蓉
